cultivating growth


Preparing for an experience beyond ordinary consciousness merits attention to the ways we can support ourselves for a valuable journey.

1 Hour session


We can benefit from support, as we metabolize and apply experiences of expanded states.

1 hour session

Growth takes time. Consider committing to the process together.



A consultation session to explore how we might work together is complimentary.


As our experiences unfold, we can sometimes benefit from immediate support to help us ground and recenter during the process. 

30 minutes, as needed

Kind words

“Lindsay creates a safe space for one to be themselves and feel accepted..”

— s. y.

“I appreciate Lindsay’s ability to listen to others and to be open. She gives a great deal of room to people to express themselves and cares very deeply about her personal growth and the needs of others. She offers a kind safe space for people to be themselves in her interactions and listening.”

— J. B.

“Lindsay is authentic in her way of being while providing non-judgement and connection in her work. I feel heard and understood by her.”

— c. b..